Four-ball, sometimes called better ball, or best ball, is a team format where the lowest score for each hole counts as the team score.
The terms four-ball and foursome in golf sound similar but they are not the same.
Foursome simply means four players are playing together in a group of four together. If you play with three of your buddies on the weekend, you are playing in a foursome.
Four-ball, on the other hand, is a competitive format used in tournaments such as member guests and charity events.
In a four-ball tournament, a team of two plays against another team of two. These teams of two play together in what is called a foursome.
Make sense?
All four players play their own ball, with the lowest score from each team counting as the team score.
According to Rule 23:
Four-Ball is a form of play (in either match play or stroke play) involving partners where you and your partner compete together as a side, with each of you playing your own ball, and your side’s score for a hole is the lower score of the two of you on that hole.
Let’s say it’s the Ryder Cup, and Morikawa and JT are playing Rory and Matt Fitzpatrick.
On hole 1, Morikawa makes a 4 and JT a 3.
The team score for Team USA is 3.
Let’s say Rory scores 3 and Fitzpatrick 4.
The team score for Team Europe is also a 3, and the match is tied through 1.
Four ball Vs Foursome In Golf
The terms four-ball and foursome in golf sound similar but they are not the same.
Foursome simply means four players are playing together in a group of four. If you play with three of your buddies on the weekend, you are playing in a foursome.
Four-ball, on the other hand, is a competitive format used in tournaments such as member guests and charity events.
In a four-ball tournament, a team of two plays against another team of two. These teams of two play together in what is called a foursome.
Make sense?
What Is The Difference Between 4 Ball And Best Ball?
In short, nothing.
Along with better ball, they are different names for the same format.
That said, better ball typically refers to teams of two, while best ball typically refers to teams of 4.
In all cases, all team members play their own ball, and the lowest score of any individual on the team counts as the team score for that hole.
Why Do They Call It Four Ball?

It’s called four-ball because the format is played in foursomes, and all four balls are played separately.
Whether it’s two teams of two playing each other in a foursome or one four-person team playing together, all team members play their own ball for the entire round.
How Is Four Ball Scored In Golf?
For the most part, four-ball is scored the same as any ordinary individual stroke play or match play competition.
Each team has one scorecard, and each team’s lowest score must be recorded every hole.
In stroke play, the lowest score for the team is recorded, and at the end of the match, the total is added up, and lowest score wins.
In match play, the team score is compared each hole and the lowest score wins that hole.
The match ends once one team has won enough holes that the other team can’t come back.
Format Specific Rules

Only one player per team is required to hole out.
For example, if my partner makes a putt for 4 and I have a putt for 4, I can pick up, and we’d move on to the next hole.
But remember, if you’re playing with handicaps, this may not be the case.
If I get a stroke on a hole and my partner doesn’t, I should still try to make my putt for 4 even if my partner is already in for 4 because my 4 will count as a 3!
Partners are allowed to take any actions with their partner’s ball that their partner may take.
For example, I’m allowed to mark my partner’s ball, read his putt, clean his club, etc. I can do anything he might do.
One caveat: you are responsible for any action your partner takes on your behalf. If he marks your ball incorrectly or breaks any other rule, you are the one that is penalized.
Partners can choose who plays first.
Typically, whoever is furthest from the hole plays first.
In four-ball, even if I was closer to the hole, we could decide as a team that I should play my shot first.
Sometimes penalties apply to both partners and sometimes to only one partner.
There are many caveats and specifications for how these penalties and disqualifications work.
Check out the official Rule 23-Four-Ball to learn more.
How Do Handicaps Work In Four-Ball (Better Ball)?

Stroke Play
All players receive 90% of their course handicap.
For example, if my course handicap is 10, I will receive 9 strokes.
Match Play
All players play off of the lowest handicap in the group, and receive 100% of the difference.
For example, say you have a two person team match.
Team 1 has Player A with a course handicap of 2 and Player B with a course handicap of 5.
Team 2 has Player C with a course handicap of 8 and Player D with a course handicap of 16.
Player A is the lowest handicap so he will receive 0 strokes.
Player B will receive 3, Player C will receive 6, and Player D, the lone mid-handicapper, will receive 14 strokes.
The primary strategy in four-ball is for one player to play the hole more aggressively than the other.
For example, on a short par 4, one player could play a safe tee shot while the other could try to get there with a driver.
On an approach shot, one player could lay up or play a safe shot to the middle of the green while the second player could take an aggressive line at a dangerous, tucked pin.
When is Four-Ball Played?
Four-ball is played in the Ryder Cup, President’s Cup, Solheim Cup, and the PGA Tour’s Zurich Classic.
The USGA also has a very competitive yearly U.S Amateur Four-Ball Championship.
This format is also very popular in private club tournaments and charity events.