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What is a Breakfast Ball in Golf?

What is a Breakfast Ball in Golf?

A breakfast ball is essentially a mulligan, or a redo, of a golfer’s tee shot on the first hole during a round of golf.

Breakfast balls are typically not allowed in official competitions, but may be accepted when golfing with friends or in informal matches, as long as everyone is on the same page regarding its usage.

A breakfast ball refers to a mulligan used on the first hole, and as such, can only be used once.

A mulligan on the other hand, can theoretically be used multiple times in a round.

Origin of Breakfast Ball

Many golfers play golf for fun and don’t want to start off with a ball OB or in a penalty.

Thus, the breakfast ball was born.

With a breakfast ball, a golfer is allowed to redo their tee shot and pretend the first one didn’t happen.

This way, the golfer gets to start their round on a good note.

When to Use a Breakfast Ball

Casual Rounds

In a casual round, golfers typically play for fun, without strictly adhering to the official rules of the game.

This relaxed setting creates an ideal scenario for using a breakfast ball.

When playing with a friendly group and not competing for a significant prize or title, using a breakfast ball helps to ease the pressure on the first tee shot and allows everyone to enjoy the day.

Most importantly, the decision to use a breakfast ball should be agreed upon by all members of the group before the round begins.

Related: What is a Mulligan in Golf?

Charity Events

At charity golf events, the primary focus is on raising funds and having a good time.

These events typically favor a relaxed atmosphere to encourage participation and good sportsmanship.

As a result, it is reasonably common to allow players the option to use a breakfast ball on their first tee shot, by way of purchasing one for charity.

Not only does this help take some pressure off of participants, but it also reinforces a fun and enjoyable environment.

Related: What is a Shank in Golf?