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November 2022 Golf Game Update

November 2022 Golf Game Update
Holes PlayedScoring AverageLessons TakenHours Practiced

Didn’t play much this month. Spent 3 of the first 4 days of the month working and then 12 days in Hawaii. Played twice there. Shot 84 and no score on round 2. It was so windy I lost 5 balls in 8 holes and decided to stop keeping score and just enjoy the views and have some fun.

Played 9 holes with the wife when we got back at our home course and shot 38.

After that round with the wife in mid November, it snowed on and off (unusual for where we live) for a few days and the course was closed for almost all of the rest of the month.

Arccos Stats

Strokes Gained

All strokes gained are relative to a 0 handicap.


Top 3 Insights

Approach- shots from fairway

Approach- shots from the rough

Approach- 100-150 yard approach shots

Clearly approach shots are my biggest issue right now. July-September I was messing with my swing a lot and was very inconsistent with my irons

Scoring Averages

Par 33.6 (-0.5 SG)
Par 44.7 (-0.5 SG)
Par 55.9 (-1.0 SG)

Par 5s are clearly my worst. This is mostly due to lost balls on drives, either OB or in the woods.

Handicap Index Change


Didn’t post any scores in November so no change.

December Focus

I’m going to take a lesson every other week for the next three months.

Hopefully will spend a lot of time practice and occasionally playing.

The goal for December is to take a few lessons and “finalize” my swing for a while.

I have spent the last year constantly tinkering with my swing. I’d watch some videos or read some articles and go try something new. It led to me having no confidence in my swing and to some big scores.

Over the next few months, I will focus on working on the same thing and trying to build a consistent, repeatable swing.